TranSystems | Bo Sanchez

Founded in 1966, TranSystems is a multifaceted, national transportation-focused firm that provides consulting, engineering, architectural, and construction expertise to enhance the overall transportation experience. With 1,500 professionals in more than 50 offices throughout the U.S., TranSystems performs a range of services to all sectors of the transportation marketplace. Services are delivered throughout the asset life cycle, from concept to construction to long-term operations, maintenance, and rehabilitation. We are able to draw on experts in all types of transportation modes to solve the most difficult and complex infrastructure problems that ultimately provide safe and efficient transportation solutions for the end user. As one of the nation’s top bridge consultants, TranSystems brings award-winning structural professionals to projects of all sizes. Our team offers full-service capabilities across the project lifecycle, from planning through design and construction to maintenance and operations, as well as emergency response. TranSystems’ experience and capabilities include bridge inspection and load rating, moveable bridges, historic structures, geospatial and asset management, railroad bridges, complex design, and interchanges and interstates.