Annual Conference Presentations
Our Mission
Build partnerships with industry and public agency stakeholders to disseminate information on innovative, cost effective programs for managing, operating, and maintaining transportation infrastructure assets.
Our Vision
With strong public sector leadership and a spirit of cooperation, private sector management of transportation infrastructure can help improve public safety, minimize congestion, improve reliability, maintain physical assets with lowest possible whole life costs, create an environment of innovation, and improve the agencies’ standing with the general public and elected officials.
To this vision, AMOA supports:
- Continued Federal Transportation Reauthorization that includes new revenue streams including but not exclusively relying on public private partnerships.
- Deployment of innovative transportation corridors that address capacity, safety, user generated revenue, and performance-based management standards.
- Advancement of innovative active traffic management systems to alleviate congestion and improve safety, modeled after successful experiments in Europe and Australia.
- Increased funding for infrastructure preservation and facility operations.
Congestion Mitigation
- The principles included in the U.S. Department of Transportation National Strategy to Mitigate Congestion.
- Managing travel demand as well as managing traffic demand, by supporting real-time information systems that let travelers make better decisions about how they travel (mode), when they travel (time), where and whether they travel (location), and which route they travel (path).
- Development of comprehensive design and operational guidelines on active traffic management technology, including variable speed management and enforcement, hard shoulder running, information messaging, route selection, signing and striping, and pull-off emergency areas, and emergency response.
- Reducing the impact of asset maintenance on the operation of transportation systems.
Improved Reliability
- The National Unified Goal for Incident Management and its three objectives of responder safety, safe and quick clearance, and prompt, reliable incident communications.
- Compilation of best practices as they relate to incident management.
- Comprehensive guidelines on and implement contract and performance guidelines that allow private sector services to meet owner-mandated levels of service.
- Work Zone Safety
- Development of safer working practices for maintenance activities.
- Reducing exposure of the work force to live traffic.
- Incorporating the cost of accidents in the whole life value of asset maintenance and management.
Asset Management
- Use of Asset Management data that ultimately drives funding for infrastructure improvements and preservation.
- Continued growth of NAMS-US that advances asset management understanding across modes (highways, transit, water, rail) and jurisdictions (states, cities, counties, and metropolitan planning organizations).
- Comprehensive guidelines for determining appropriate levels of service and performance measures for infrastructure facilities.
Performance-based Contracting
- Continued growth in the use of performance-based contracting to manage America’s infrastructure facilities.
- Performance contracting techniques that award work based on qualifications as well as costs. Qualification factors should focus on contractor management skills: team building, business and customer partnering, environment, quality management, minority and disadvantaged business, public relations, and innovation.
- Longer contract time to better mitigate risk and promote long term solutions.
- The use of lump-sum payments and bundling of work that allow contractor flexibility to manage the assets.
- Clear and unambiguous audit trail to verify asset performance.